Transport Development

Transport Development

From a long time ago, economic development depended on the development of commerce, and the development of trade depended on the progress of transportation technology. The evidence available inside the country and even in foreign countries shows the importance of transportation in measuring the level of social welfare. Just as the Transport Development system depends on the amount of demand and consumption of goods and services, the advancement of technology and the transformation of the domestic and international transportation system also depend on the amount of consumption of goods and services and the development of trade and exchange of goods, economic growth, and development. It has profound social, cultural, and political effects.

Economic and commercial dimension

The foundation of a barge depends on the ability and capacity of transportation between two points of origin and destination (exporter or importer). Therefore, transportation is an integral part of domestic and foreign trade. In today’s era, if there is an interruption in the circulation of transportation wheels, its effects will be transferred to other activities. Countries importing industrial goods or exporting raw materials are deeply dependent on the transportation system. It is because of the understanding of this matter that the advanced countries of the world, in addition to maintaining their dominance over the prone areas and underground reserves of the world, do not hesitate for a moment to strengthen international transportation for their own benefit.

The importance of transportation in socio-economic development

Today, the importance and place of transportation in the economic-social development of different countries are accepted by everyone. Some consider transportation as the key to development, while others consider it as the main factor of development, some consider it as the backbone of development, and some consider it as the vital artery of the economy.

The transportation sector, like the industry and agriculture sectors, is one of the most important sectors of the economy in all countries of the world. The successful implementation of civil, industrial, etc. plans and projects depends on the coordination and proper functioning of the countries’ transportation systems.

What do the statistics say?

According to the available statistics, in 2001, the transportation sector accounted for 10.4% of the United States GDP. This rate reached 10.6% in 2005. In 2007, this country invested more than 1.4 trillion dollars in the transportation and travel sector.

Transport Development network

The Transport Development network can lead to the concentration of economic activities in those areas. On the other hand, its lack of development may cause stagnation and destruction of the economic infrastructure of other regions. Among the things that can indicate the importance of this sector is the impact that the transport sector has on the whole economy at the macro level.

  • employment
  • Production
  • investment

and so on. In this sense, the employment and added value created in the national transportation network, as an infrastructure sector, is one of the main criteria for measuring the economic growth and development of any country.

Effects of transport development

Effects of transport development

Just as the Transport Development network affects the economic growth of the country, the economic growth and development of the country will also be effective in creating a favorable transportation system. Therefore, along with the economic growth and development of the country, the transportation sector of country should also grow. Otherwise, the limitedness of the country’s transportation network will be considered one of the important obstacles to the economic and exchange growth and development of the country.

Transportation also plays a key role in maintaining social and cultural unity and consolidation. With the development and expansion of roads to all parts of the country, deprived areas with different cultural and ethnic characteristics can be removed from isolation and provide opportunities for cultural-ethnic fusion and national unity. Transportation at the global level has caused the transfer of the culture of countries and provides reasons for the proximity of regions in terms of time.

The importance of Transport Development

According to experts, one of the means to achieve the goals of sustainable development programs in the economic, social, and cultural fields is to have a coherent, efficient, and appropriate transportation system. The transportation sector is significant in terms of job diversity and recruitment of human resources in different dimensions (unskilled, skilled, semi-skilled, and expert workforce). Directly jobs such as simple laborer, porter, guard, storekeeper, driver, garage manager, conductor, locomotive driver, guide, driver of a truck, lift truck driver, bulldozer, host and expert, engineer, designer, manager, sailor, ship officer, ship commander, pilot and co-pilot, navigator, etc. For this reason, it provides the means of distributing income and wealth among different classes of society (low-income-medium-high-income).

Transport Development in different countries of the world

In developed countries, despite the fact that the share of the added value of transportation in the GDP is high, the share of people working in the transportation sector is not high compared to the total in developing countries, which is due to the use of advanced technology and mechanical issues.

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