About Sama Morvarid Asia
International Logistics Company
How and with what purpose was Sama Morvarid Asia Company born?
Sama logistics was created by Abbas Sarnaz, a veteran in this field, with the aim of providing the best service at the lowest cost by using the knowledge of its experienced staff in the field of international Logistics. It was established with an emphasis on speed in shipping, quality of service and competitive rates.
Sama is ready to provide logistics services to merchants and owners of goods from all over the world to Iran and vice versa, by air, sea and land. The services and performance of this company are as follows:
Air Transportation: The services of Sama are provided through the active agencies of this company in Europe, Southeast Asia and other parts of the world, with different airlines to Iran and vice versa. This company has the ability to transport heavy goods by air in the smallest possible lots at the best price. It should be noted that most of the representatives of this company have direct offices in the important airports of the countries of origin.
Land Transportation: Sama International logistics Company, having active and efficient representatives regarding land transportation from all European countries and Middle Eastern countries as well as Turkey, has the ability to move your cargo under all related transportation terms. By land transportation in the form of full trucks and groupage and project transportation at the earliest opportunity and in the shortest possible time. In addition, this company has played an impactful role in the field of International Logistics by having its reliable representatives in Europe, Turkey, and strategic cities of the Middle East countries in terms of land freight and helping customers receive the most suitable services and the most competitive rates available in the international transportation market.
Marine Transportation: Sama, through its reliable and active agencies in all parts of the world is able to transport goods by all types of container from all European ports, Far East, Middle East and Persian Gulf and other parts of the world to Iranian ports and vice versa.
Domestic and International Transit
Iran, due to being in a very convenient position in terms of economic geography and the centrality of the north-south corridor, which plays a valuable role in the transit connection between Russia, Central Asia, the Caucasus and Europe on the one hand, and the Persian Gulf countries and Southeast Asia on the other hand, has a significant logistical role. Sama, while taking advantage of this exceptional position and having branches and representative offices in the origin and destination, is able to carry out any kind of domestic and international cargo transit operations.
Special Services
Sama is ready at any moment from the start of the shipment to the moment of unloading it to inform the owner of the goods by announcing the location of the goods, with the latest control systems and information received from its representatives. It is also proud to announce its membership in the global logistics network located in Europe in order to provide the best possible services and to achieve the daily prices of the global transportation market, as well as to increase the trust of its customers. This company considers itself obliged to provide a fast and safe route in all matters related to international transportation, including the selection and determination of the means of transportation and the optimal transportation method according to the origin and destination, as well as the type of goods, relying on the speed in The operation of transportation and cost reduction is in the role of your trusted advisor and guides you in all related matters.
Sama Morvarid Asia Company is proud to provide the following special services:
- The possibility of transferring money from Iran to Dubai and from Dubai to the countries desired by customers and vice versa, based on the existing conditions of customs and banks.
- According to the business conditions governing the Iranian market, the ability to create exchange and direct shipment of goods from companies that do not have the conditions to sell to Iran and the possibility of issuing a switch bill of lading.
- The possibility of providing commercial services such as order registration and toll-free numbers to customers in order to meet their needs in Iranian markets.
- The possibility of clearing the goods in all types of air, land and sea transportation in all Iranian customs.
Names of some companies and organizations that have cooperated with Sama:
- Shirin Asal Food Industrial Group
- Saipa Malleable Co.
- Iran Tablo Co.
- Parvaresh Dadeha Co.
- Faraniroo Engineering Co.
- MAHAN Control Shargh Co.
- Palayesh Niroo
- Afarineh Toos
- Ima Company
- Technotar Co.
- Megamotor Co.
- Havayar Industrial Group
- Mehvarsazan Iran Khodro Co.
- Beta Farayand Chemie Co.
- Persian Ideal System Co.
- Persian Group
- Bahran Lift Co.
- Raouf Shafa Medical Equipment
About Fiana
The success of any business depends on the level of expertise of people in their fields and the experiences accumulated in Sama Marvarid Asia over many years provide economic and cultural growth for companies and active institutions through the transfer of techniques and valuable materials in the form of specialized courses in the field of logistics and personal development.
Fiana is an educational branch of Sama Morvarid Asia that offers professional training to companies and individuals looking to start or further their career in the logistics fields. We enable the industry to cut down the transaction cost, increase efficiency, and enhance profitability and enable to sensitize and bring solutions to macro level issues.
Fiana plans to hold the following courses:
– Short-term courses: Special technical topics, as well as important and practical basic points of air, sea and land logistics.
– medium -term courses: Special international logistics outsourcing professional methods will be held based on current methods.
∞Long-term courses: Special for leaders, managers and experts (foreign trade, marketing and sales) of import and export businesses.