Improve the Sense of Responsibility in Leadership

The Sense of Responsibility in Leadership

It seems that one of the main pillars of leadership is a sense of responsibility. A person who is responsible shows it in any field and does not shy away from the burden of responsibilities. Don’t forget that you can’t lead others if you don’t get in the pit. Simon & Schuster magazine editor Michael Korda believes that any significant success requires acceptance of responsibility. It can be said that the quality that all successful people have is the ability to accept responsibility. In this article you will find the following topics:

  • Scrutiny of the sense of responsibility
  • What is the spirit of successful leaders?
  • Characteristics of people with a high sense of responsibility
  • The importance of accountability
  • Ways to achieve a greater sense of responsibility

Scrutiny of the sense of responsibility

Have you observed the sense of responsibility of James Bonham and his comrades in today’s American society? Today, people pay more attention to their rights than their responsibilities. According to current attitudes, Haddon Robinson says: If you want to get rich, invest in sacrifice. It is the fastest-growing industry in America. According to Robinson, millions make money by identifying, representing, interviewing, threatening, insuring, and counseling victims.

What is the spirit of successful leaders?

Successful leaders never have a victim mentality. They know that the responsibility for the existing conditions lies with them and they do not pass it on to their parents, spouse, children, government, bosses or employees, and colleagues. They face every life event and know well that it is enough to enter the pit to lead their team.

Characteristics of people with a high sense of responsibility

Take a look at the characteristics of people who benefit from a lot of responsibility:

1- They get the job done!

In a study of self-made millionaires, Dr. Thomas Stanley, a professor at the University of Georgia, concluded that all these individuals have one characteristic in common. They are diligent and work hard. Successful people feel that they are working for themselves. If you want to achieve higher achievements and gain credibility with your followers, adopt this mindset.

2- They are willing to go the extra mile!

The people in charge never say it’s not my job. They do whatever is necessary for their organization. If you want to be successful, you must put your organization before your own desires.

Characteristics of people with a high sense of responsibility

3- They think of the best!

Perfectionism is a huge motivator. Those who think of the best and strive to achieve it, almost always behave responsibly. When they give themselves wholeheartedly, they live in peace. Jim Rohn, a success expert, says: “Stress comes when you’re underperforming.” If you aim for excellent quality, responsibility will follow.

4-They produce regardless of the situation!

It seems that the ultimate quality of a responsible person is his ability to finish and accomplish things. Richard Evans writes in the book The Open Road: How valuable it is to find someone with a high sense of responsibility. The one who finishes the work and we remember him, who leaves no stone unturned for any task we assign to him. If you want to lead, you have to be effective.

The importance of accountability

When a shooter does not hit the target, he looks to himself to find out why he did not succeed. Failure to hit the target is never the target’s fault. To improve your goal you must improve yourself.

Do you think about purpose when it comes to responsibility? Do others see you as a finisher? In a situation of pressure, people’s eyes are on you. Have the best reputation? If your performance is not up to par, you probably need more responsibility.

Ways to achieve a greater sense of responsibility

Persistence is the key to success! Sometimes leaving things unfinished is due to a lack of persistence. This time, when you find yourself in a situation where you can’t do your work on time, or when you lose a deal, or you can’t solve a problem, wait a moment and see how you should succeed. Can you get help from one of your colleagues? Can you hire someone? Creativity can bring responsibility to life.

Admit what is not good enough! If you are having trouble reaching the level of the best, it may be because you have lowered your standards. Look at your life and see where you have done this. Then make changes and set higher standards. You can raise the desire to achieve the best.

Choose a better tool! If you find that you have high standards, your attitude is good, and you have enough continuity and persistence, and yet you don’t get what you want, equip yourself. Take more classes. Read more books. Listen to more podcasts. Find a counselor and a mentor for yourself. Do whatever you can.


So we saw that responsibility shows the independence and value of each person. As John Maxwell says: A leader can lose everything but ultimate responsibility.

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